Call for Applications for
the National Pro bono Awards 2024
Let’s celebrate those who are making a significant impact on access to justice !
Justice Pro Bono, Access Pro Bono BC, Pro Bono Law Alberta, Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan, and Pro Bono Ontario are pleased to announce a call for nominations for the Canadian National Pro Bono Awards.
These prestigious awards aim to honor exceptional contributions to the provision of pro bono services by individuals or groups in the following three categories:
- A law firm distinguished by its pro bono contributions
- An individual actively engaged in pro bono work
- A pro bono program serving the community
You have until October 14, 2024, to submit a nomination.
All nominations will be reviewed by the selection committee, which includes representatives from Justice Pro Bono (Québec), Access Pro Bono BC, Pro Bono Law Alberta, Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan and Pro Bono Ontario.
The awards will be presented at the National Pro Bono Gala, which will be held on November 7, 2024, in Montreal, QC, during the 9th National Pro Bono Conference organized by Justice Pro Bono